Introduction: On February 25, 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 13th installment of PM-KISAN (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi) scheme. The scheme was launched in 2019 with the aim of providing financial assistance to small and marginal farmers across the country. In this blog, we will discuss the key highlights of the 13th installment of PM-KISAN and its impact on farmers.
13th Installment of PM-KISAN: Under the 13th installment of PM-KISAN, the government will transfer Rs 2,000 to the bank accounts of eligible farmers. This will benefit more than 10 crore farmers across the country. The total amount to be disbursed under this installment is around Rs 20,000 crore. The Prime Minister, in his address, stated that the government is committed to the welfare of farmers and the PM-KISAN scheme is a testament to that commitment.
Impact on Farmers: The PM-KISAN scheme has been a game-changer for small and marginal farmers across the country. The financial assistance provided under the scheme has helped farmers in meeting their agricultural expenses and improving their livelihoods. The scheme has also helped in reducing the debt burden on farmers and improving their overall financial stability.
The release of the 13th installment of PM-KISAN comes at a time when farmers are facing various challenges due to the ongoing pandemic and other factors such as natural calamities. The financial assistance provided under the scheme will go a long way in helping farmers overcome these challenges and sustain their agricultural activities.
Conclusion: The release of the 13th installment of PM-KISAN is a welcome move by the government and a testament to their commitment towards the welfare of farmers. The financial assistance provided under the scheme has helped in improving the lives of millions of farmers across the country. It is important that the government continues to support farmers in the long run and works towards creating a sustainable and profitable agriculture sector in the country.